Boost Newsletter #23 – General Assembly Event in Bulgaria
As every year, the BGGA’ members gathered to report on what was done in 2023 and draw up the work plan for the current year, to discuss issues and successes of greenhouse production in Bulgaria. In just one year, the members of the Bulgarian Greenhouse’ Growers (BGGA) reached a record number of 108 in total. Of them, 69 are full members, and 39 are associate members, followed by foreign organizations. This was announced at the annual reporting meeting in the SPA hotel in the village of Starosel by the executive director Teodora Krasteva. Nearly 70 farmers and agribusiness representatives attended the meeting. Mr. Viktor Asenov, part of the BGGA’ team working on the BOOST’ project presented where the partners’ work on the project has reached. Mr. Asenov introduced the project website and asked his colleagues to be active on BOOST social media.
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