
Boost Newsletter #2 – 16/01/2023 – 1st National Dissemination Event in Serres, Greece

Our second newsletter is now online!

Topic: On December 3rd, 2022 the project partner PANSERRAICAN with the coordinator AUTH, organised the 1 st public Dissemination Event in Serres, Greece. For the purpose of this event, Greek farmers have been invited to participate. During the national dissemination day in Serres, the two project partners welcomed the local farmers to the meeting and inform them of the general objectives of the BOOST project. Following, the host presented the aim of this meeting regarding the WP1 of the project, and the participation in “T1.2 Needs assessment of farmers that are currently or are interested in adopting Precision Agriculture technologies” and completion of “D1.2 Reports on Precision Agriculture researchers, students, and farmers’ feedback”.

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